A Clairvoyant, Seer, Medium, or Mystic performs a spiritual session by entering an altered state and tuning into a person’s energy field to “see, hear, and know” symbols or information. Symbols may include mental images, pictures, colors, or light rays. A Clairvoyant sees spiritual and physical world pictures clearly. These mental images may be seen in the aura, a spiritual energy emanating from the body, or in the chakras, psychic points on the physical body, or in other pockets of energy around the person. A Clairaudient would hear information either from the person’s guides or from his/her own guides. Clairsentient readers would actually feel a person’s energy, pain, or emotions to receive the information. Readings allow the individual to understand more clearly what he or she is projecting to the world, and seeks to aid in the discovery of his/her position on the path to awareness.
Awareness, or growth, is a life-long process. We work through levels and layers of self-understanding, self-appreciation, self-respect, self-control, and most importantly, self-love.
The fastest way I’ve seen people exposed to growth or awareness is through a well-done session—one that gives a person enough information about him/herself without being bombarded with too much that s/he’s not ready to hear. A well-done session may also combine information from the past and present to help the person formulate the future. Sometimes the Seer/Mystic may provide information about the future. We just have to understand that once a session is complete, the person may then change his/her direction and the “future” information may have little or no relevance. A well-done session cuts through the deeper, emotional states and releases the information in an easily understood approach.